1. Entries to arrive by 30th April to 2nd May 2025
2. Judging date on 3rd of May 2025
3. Awards presentation on 10th of May 2025 for 1st , 2nd and 3rd place in each categories.
4. Limited to 100 entries.
5. Judging based on BJCP beer style guidelines 2021.
6. 2 bottles or cans required per entry.
7. Print your entry label on a waterproof sticker and attach it to the bottle or can.
Entry label needs to specify full Identity Card name, handphone number, email address and
beer type (pls use waterproof ink).
Please download the following PDF form and fill in the info.
8. Do not attach any other labels or symbols on the bottle or can.
9. Entry fees of SGD 5 per entry to be paid to Oritag Pte Ltd( UEN 201404099R) by Paynow stating
Full Identity Card Name before submission of beer.
10. Entry drop off at Little Island Brewing Company Changi Village ( 6 Changi Village Road,
#01-01 Singapore 509907) between 30th April to 2nd of May between 9 am to 3pm.
11. BJCP 2021 beer style accepted : Lager , Wheat , IPA and Pale Ale.
12. All Judges decision is final.
13. Competition open to homebrewers only.
Feel free to contact us at +65 91152 408 for further assistance 🍻